5 months postnatal following a C-section delivery my client has strengthened her core, lost inches and transformed her waistline.
Feeling ready to start light exercise my client began with traditional core exercises such as sit up and crunches but feeling a deep ache in her lower abdomen post workout knew something wasn’t right.
‘I was concerned I was doing these exercises incorrectly and feared I was doing too much too soon, possibly even doing more harm than good’.
She wanted to address her weakened core muscles, improve posture and lose fat around her waist for health reasons. My client fully admitted her dislike of exercise but believed once she started feeling fitter, stronger and seeing a shrinking waistline this would prove motivational leading to a long term healthier lifestyle.
Fed up of crash dieting together we looked at nutrition, making changes to the biggest offenders first. We increased fluids which reduced high carbohydrate snacking & made sure meals were not being missed. Quick and easy food preparation was the key here… Joe Wicks to the rescue!
I trained her weekly for 5 months starting with slow and controlled movements to strengthen the deeper muscles of the core. There were no traditional sit ups or crunches in this program, not when there are far more effective and safer exercises for the postnatal lady. We focused on the breath, added in visualisations to achieve a stronger mind/body connection and within weeks changes were taking place; muscles and connective tissue were tightening.
Once the fundamentals were achieved, we added in dynamic exercises followed by high impact movements, always making sure they weren’t detrimental to the strength of the core. This helped burn calories and accelerate fat lose.
The results have been exceptional. She has worked extremely hard and changed her mindset towards exercise. She is 6kg lighter, 6 inches smaller around her waist, 2.5 inches smaller around her chest and now has a healthy BMI.
My client has gained in confidence as a result and has peace of mind knowing the exercises she has been doing with me and at home have noticeably made positive changes to her body. I now look forward to working with her in my BuggyBeat classes!